Registered in San Diego County:
Legal Document Assistant - # 275
Unlawful Detainer Assistant - # 2012
Process Service - # 3779
P.O. Box 514, 502 E. San Ysidro Blvd Suite C, San Ysidro, CA 92173
Assistance you can Trust!!!
Helping you with legal document services today.
Masters Legal Document Assistance is not a law firm. Geoffrey A. Conley, LDA, UDA, PS, is not a lawyer and cannot give legal advice, nor can he represent you in court. Masters Legal Document Assistance can provide document preparation services at the client's direction.
Services provided by Masters Legal Document Assistance is not a substitute for the advise of a lawyer. So If you have questions regarding appropriate forms relating to your legal matter, you should seek the advice of a lawyer.
Masters Legal Document Assistance no es una firma de abogados. Geoffrey A. Conley, LDA, UDA, PS, no es abogado y no puede brindarle asesoramiento legal ni representarlo ante el tribunal. Masters Legal Document Assistance puede proporcionar servicios de preparación de documentos según las indicaciones del cliente.
Los servicios proporcionados por Masters Legal Document Assistance no sustituyen el asesoramiento de un abogado. Entonces, si tiene preguntas sobre los formularios apropiados relacionados con su asunto legal, debe buscar el asesoramiento de un abogado.